Process compose process logs
process-compose process logs
Fetch the logs of a process(es). For multiple processes, separate them with a comma (proc1,proc2)
-f, --follow Follow log output
-h, --help help for logs
--raw-log If set, don't format the multi process log output to include the process name
-n, --tail int Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default 9223372036854775807)
Options inherited from parent commands
-a, --address string address of the target process compose server (default "localhost")
-L, --log-file string Specify the log file path (env: PC_LOG_FILE) (default "/tmp/process-compose-<user>.log")
--no-server disable HTTP server (env: PC_NO_SERVER)
--ordered-shutdown shut down processes in reverse dependency order
-p, --port int port number (env: PC_PORT_NUM) (default 8080)
--read-only enable read-only mode (env: PC_READ_ONLY)
-u, --unix-socket string path to unix socket (env: PC_SOCKET_PATH) (default "/tmp/process-compose-<pid>.sock")
-U, --use-uds use unix domain sockets instead of tcp
- process-compose process - Execute operations on the available processes