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Per Process Log Collection

  log_location: ./pc.process2.log #if undefined or empty no logs will be saved

Captures StdOut and StdErr output

Merge into a single file (Unified Logging)

  - "ABC=42"
log_location: ./ #if undefined or empty, no logs will be saved (if not defined per process)
    command: "chmod 666 /path/to/file"

Process compose console log level

log_level: info # other options: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", "panic"
    command: "chmod 666 /path/to/file"

This setting controls the process-compose log level. The processes log level should be defined inside the process. It is recommended to support this definition with an environment variable in process-compose.yaml

Log Rotation

# unified log
version: "0.5"
log_level: info 
log_location: /tmp/pc.log
    max_size_mb: 1  # the max size in MB of the logfile before it's rolled
    max_age_days: 3 # the max age in days to keep a logfile
    max_backups: 3  # the max number of rolled files to keep
    compress: true  # determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. The default is false

#process level logging (same syntax)
    command: "some command"
        max_size_mb: 1  # the max size in MB of the logfile before it's rolled
        max_age_days: 3 # the max age in days to keep a logfile
        max_backups: 3  # the max number of rolled files to keep
        compress: true  # determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. The default is false

Logger Configuration

  fields_order: ["time", "level", "message"] # order of logging fields. The default is time, level, message
  disable_json: true                         # output as plain text. The default is false
  timestamp_format: "06-01-02 15:04:05.000"  # timestamp format. The default is RFC3339
  no_metadata: true                          # don't log process name and replica number
  add_timestamp: true                        # add timestamp to the logger. Default is false
  no_color: true                             # disable ANSII colors in the logger. Default is false
  flush_each_line: true                      # disable buffering and flush each line to the log file. Default is false
Parameter Name Description Depends On Default Value
fields_order Order of the logging fields. The default is time, level, message. In case one of the fields is omitted, it will be missing in the log as well. disable_json: true
add_timestamp: true for "time"
["time", "level", "message"]
disable_json Disables JSON logging format. Use Console Mode Format. false
timestamp_format Sets the format of the logger timestamp. add_timestamp: true If disable_json: true:3:04PM
If disable_json: false:"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
no_metadata Don't log the process name and replica number. false
add_timestamp Add timestamp to the logger. Useful for processes without an internal logger. false
no_color Disable ANSII colors in the log file. disable_json: true false
flush_each_line Disable buffering and flush each line to the log file. false

Process Compose Internal Log

Default log location: /tmp/process-compose-$USER.log

💡 It is recommended to add the following process configuration to your process-compose.yaml:

    command: "tail -f -n100 process-compose-${USER}.log"
    working_dir: "/tmp"

This will allow you to spot any issues with the processes execution, without leaving the process-compose TUI.